Improved integration prospects through understanding refugees’ perspectives (iiTRUP)

The iiTRUP project aims to provide empirical evidence and to improve the understanding of the current situation in Romania regarding the access to integration-related services, as well as the understanding of the motivation of the beneficiaries of international protection (BIP) living in Romania to remain or to depart from the country.

In the dynamic of migration in and through the country many factors are to be considered, factors that can influence the decision of a BIP to remain or to leave Romania. By evaluating how the impact of a safe, lawful and welcoming environment in the hosting country can influence the decision to remain or to leave a country, the project aims to identify key protection concerns and reasons for future interventions in ensuring the effective access to social services and create a welcoming environment for BIP living in Romania.


  1. To assess the motivation to stay, to leave or to return to Romania
  2. To identify key aspects regarding the access to services and how it can be improved

If you are a BPI that wants to leave in Romania, that has recently moved abroad from Romania or that has returned after living abroad for a while, we kindly invite you to participate to the study by contacting us at


Oana Marchis – Project Manager

With an educational background in psychology, Oana has  worked since 2013 as a Project Manager  for the non-governmental sector in Romania, on international projects tackling social and educational aspects, such as human trafficking, migration, active citizenship, youth personal development and mental health. In addition, Oana has experience in providing consultancy in human resources processes design and implementation to support business execution, individual and group assessment and counselling, training and soft skills development. She is passionate about mental health, antropology, education and human rights.

Anatolie Coșciug – Scientific Coordinator

Anatolie Coșciug is a mmber of the Sociology Department at the University of Sibiu and vice-director of the Centre for Comparative Migration Studies at University of Cluj. He holds an PhD in sociology and has a long-standing interest in researching migration to and from Romania and other related phenomena, such as entrepreneurship, transnationalism, integration, or social change. Anatolie has extensive experience in conducting/being part of quantitative and qualitative research projects undertaken in Romania or abroad (Germany, Norway, Spain). His most recent publications include a collective volume on immigration in Romania (Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021), a coordinated journal special issue on immigration and integration in Romania (Social Change Review, 2020), and various articles and book chapters on migration-related topics in well known international outlets (Migration Studies Journal, Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies, Anthem Press, LitVerlag, etc.)

Andreea Mercea Abrudan – Researcher

Andreea Mercea has a background in Legal studies and Management of Non-profit Organization. She has proven experience in coordinating projects with the Romanian Peace Institute – PATRIR, for the integration of refugees in Romania by strengthening the cooperation at the local level and by facilitating activities designed to support socio-cultural orientation and integration. Andreea has experience in legal assistance in situations of human rights violations, advocacy, and raising awareness campaigns in the Equality and Human Rights Action Centre Association and Centre for Legal Studies.

Andriana Coșciug – Researcher

Andriana has a BA in Political Sciences and a MA in International Development, both at Babeș-Bolyai University. She worked as an Romanian language and cultural orientation teacher for immigrants living in Cluj-Napoca at the League for the Defense of Human Rights, Cluj branch. She worked as project manager at Societatea Studențească de Știinte Politice and Rațiu Democracy Centre. Curently, she works at PATRIR as a project coordinator in the Migration Department. Her main topic of interest is inclusion and integration of immigrants in their host communities.

