Proiecte de cercetare

Echipa noastră este implicată în multiple proiecte de cercetare în calitate de coordonatori principali, coordonatori de WP/task, cercetători asociați sau afiliați, sau în calitate de voluntari. Pentru mai multe detalii despre fiecare proiect de cercetare în parte accesați paginile web dedicate.
Ongoing projects 
2023 – 2026: Data Collection, Analysis And Reports On Ukrainian Refugees In Romania (DCAR-URR)
The research project is financed by UNHCR Romania and aims to collect and analyse data about Ukrainian refugees in Romania. The research has several components (ongoing) which can be consulted here (DCAR-URR). 

2024-2025: Investigarea dinamicii migrației de întoarcere în Republica Moldova: o analiză calitativă (ReMiReM)

2024-2025: Mapping out the Contributions of the Refugee Response in Romania. Enhancing Understanding and Promoting Durable Solutions in Humanitarian Assistance (CoRRP).

2024: Influența echilibrului viață personală/viață profesională asupra deciziei de a remigra a refugiaților din România (Work-Life Balance)

2023-2026: UNintentional Discrimination DETEcted and Racism REvealed and Deactivated (UNDETTERED)

2024: Combating pro-Kremlin disinformation among young people from Cluj (CpKD-YCJ)

2023-2026: UNintentional Discrimination DETEcted and Racism REvealed and Deactivated (UNDETTERED)

2023-2024: Understanding Tensions in a Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: A Romanian response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis (UTiCSSP-URR)

2023-2024: Mapping societal resilience across eight European nations in the context of multifaceted associations with global indices: An ecological study (MSR-8EN)

2023-2024: Transnaționalism în vremuri de restriște: atitudini față de migranții care s-au întors în România în timpul pandemiei de Covid (TVR-AFMR)

2023-2024: Bridging Communities: An Exploratory Study On  Romanian Labor Immigration And The Role CSOs Can Play In Addressing It (RLI-CSO)

Past projects

2023-2024: From compassion to controversy: Unraveling the impact of societal resilience on the tapestry of attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees (ISR-ATUR)

2023-2024: Mass influx of people from Ukraine: social entitlements and access to the labour market: Romania (URR-SEALM)

2023-2024: Labor Market Assessment Of Ukrainian Refugees In Romania (LMA-UR)

2020-2023: Children Left Behind by Labor Migration: Supporting Moldovan and Ukrainian Transnational Families in the EU (CASTLE)

2022: Evaluation of Ateliere Fără Frontiere (AFF) programme for socio-professional integration of Ukrainian refugees in Romania (EAFF-URR) 

2021-2022: Improved Integration Prospects Through Understanding Refugees’ Perspectives (IiTRUP)

2020-2021: Exit, voice or loyalty. Why refugees chose to leave or stay in Romania (EVL-RR)

2019-2021: Understanding the Political Dynamics of Émigré Communities in an Era of European Democratic Backsliding (DIASPOlitic)

2018-2020: Returnees’ Innovative Skills and Knowledge: Becoming Entrepreneur through Migration Experience (RISK)

2017 – 2021: Immigrant Integration Index in Romania (IIIR)

This research was financed via Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and implemented with the support of the Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration. The research took place in two stages:
2020 -2021: Romanian Center for Migration Studies and Social Integration

2017-2019: Romanian Center for Migration Research

2016: International Migration, Return Migration, and Their Effects: A Comprehensive Review on the Romanian Case (IMRME-CRRC)

2015-2017: A youth-centered analysis of the changes in the nature and meaning of work (YCA-CNW)

2015-2017: Religious Organizations and the Social Capital of Youth in Post-communist Countries (ROSCY).

2015-2016: Migrations, Integration and Co-Development in Europe (MICODE).

2013: Education gain through brain drain (EG-BD).

2012: Analyzing Romanian return migrants: context, policies, and case studies (ARRM-CPCS)

2011-2015: Recasting Migrants’ Voices. Local perspectives on Migration, Development and Social Change in Romania (Migrantsvoices)