2024-2025: Investigarea dinamicii migrației de întoarcere în Republica Moldova: o analiză calitativă (ReMiReM)
2024-2025: Mapping out the Contributions of the Refugee Response in Romania. Enhancing Understanding and Promoting Durable Solutions in Humanitarian Assistance (CoRRP).
2024: Influența echilibrului viață personală/viață profesională asupra deciziei de a remigra a refugiaților din România (Work-Life Balance)
2023-2026: UNintentional Discrimination DETEcted and Racism REvealed and Deactivated (UNDETTERED)
2024: Combating pro-Kremlin disinformation among young people from Cluj (CpKD-YCJ)
2023-2026: UNintentional Discrimination DETEcted and Racism REvealed and Deactivated (UNDETTERED)
2023-2024: Understanding Tensions in a Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: A Romanian response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis (UTiCSSP-URR)
2023-2024: Mapping societal resilience across eight European nations in the context of multifaceted associations with global indices: An ecological study (MSR-8EN)
2023-2024: Transnaționalism în vremuri de restriște: atitudini față de migranții care s-au întors în România în timpul pandemiei de Covid (TVR-AFMR)
2023-2024: Bridging Communities: An Exploratory Study On Romanian Labor Immigration And The Role CSOs Can Play In Addressing It (RLI-CSO)
Past projects
2023-2024: From compassion to controversy: Unraveling the impact of societal resilience on the tapestry of attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees (ISR-ATUR)
2023-2024: Labor Market Assessment Of Ukrainian Refugees In Romania (LMA-UR)
2020-2023: Children Left Behind by Labor Migration: Supporting Moldovan and Ukrainian Transnational Families in the EU (CASTLE)
2022: Evaluation of Ateliere Fără Frontiere (AFF) programme for socio-professional integration of Ukrainian refugees in Romania (EAFF-URR)
2021-2022: Improved Integration Prospects Through Understanding Refugees’ Perspectives (IiTRUP)
2020-2021: Exit, voice or loyalty. Why refugees chose to leave or stay in Romania (EVL-RR)
2019-2021: Understanding the Political Dynamics of Émigré Communities in an Era of European Democratic Backsliding (DIASPOlitic)
2018-2020: Returnees’ Innovative Skills and Knowledge: Becoming Entrepreneur through Migration Experience (RISK)
2017 – 2021: Immigrant Integration Index in Romania (IIIR)
2017-2019: Romanian Center for Migration Research
2016: International Migration, Return Migration, and Their Effects: A Comprehensive Review on the Romanian Case (IMRME-CRRC)
2015-2017: A youth-centered analysis of the changes in the nature and meaning of work (YCA-CNW)
2015-2017: Religious Organizations and the Social Capital of Youth in Post-communist Countries (ROSCY).
2015-2016: Migrations, Integration and Co-Development in Europe (MICODE).
2013: Education gain through brain drain (EG-BD).
2012: Analyzing Romanian return migrants: context, policies, and case studies (ARRM-CPCS)
2011-2015: Recasting Migrants’ Voices. Local perspectives on Migration, Development and Social Change in Romania (Migrantsvoices)