
12.12.2024 – Anatolie Cosciug participated in a debate about the Romania’s adherence at Schengen at Radio România Actualități where he presented its impact on immigration in Romania.

09.12.2024 – Presentation by Andreas Haas from Arbeiterwohlfahrt Württemberg, Württemberg, Germany: „Labour Migration – a solution to the problem of Germany’s ageing society?”

06.12.2024 – Alin Andro, one of the CSCM-UNHCR 2024 scholarship holder, presented his research at the RefData Conference

03.12.2024 – Roundtable organised by Katharina Kleynmans, Isabel Hoffmann and Ulrich Schneckener from Osnabruck, Germany (Institute for Migration Studies, Osnabruck Univeristy): Production of Mobility Options: Migration and Border Management in the Eastern Partnership of the EU

02.11.2024 – Prelegerea ”Competitivitatea companiilor într-un mediu social complex: cazul diasporei Republicii Moldova” susținută de către Conf. Univ. dr. Marina POPA, Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, Facultatea de Relații Economice Internaționale, Departamentul Business Internațional

09.10.2024 – Presentation by Elena Trifan from University of Erfurt: ”Navigating Displacement: Ideologies, Identities, and Policy Frameworks for At-Risk Academics in Europe”

09.09.2024 – Presentation by Beate Seibt and Thomas Schubert from University of Oslo at the Reading Group on Migration @ CSCM

30.05.2024 – Presentation by our Research Fellow Alexandru-Sabin Nicula: The Impact of Ukrainian Refugees on the Romanian Economy: A Multi-Sector Socio-Economic Analysis

20 Mai 2024- Apel burse studenti master si licenta/ Call for scholarships MA and BA students

1 Aprilie 2024Apel pentru Ukrainian speakers data collectors

15 Decembrie 2023– Apel pentru coordonator proiecte, manager financiar si cercetători într-un proiect finanțat de UNHCR România

1 October 2023– Scholarships UNHCR-CSCM for MA students

Martie 2023– Apel pentru coordonator proiecte, cercetători într-un proiect finanțat de UNHCR România