Presentation from Beate Seibt and Thomas Schubert from University of Oslo at the Reading Group on Migration @ CSCM

We are inviting you to the first presentation in the 2024-2025 academic year at the Reading Group on Migration @ CSCM.

Beate Seibt and Thomas Schubert from University of Oslo will give a presentation titled “A solidarity hub supporting war-ridden communities psychologically: Experiences and plans”.

Venue: FSPAC 2, Minerilor 85, Room T1 and online

Time: 17:00, Tuesday 10.09.2024

Short description of the presentation

Since the full-scale invasion in 2022, the Solidarity Hub at University of Oslo has been working to support psychologists in Ukraine and in Norway dealing with war and displacement-related trauma. In the talk, we will present the work done in this close collaboration with colleagues in Kyiv. We will focus on the trauma and challenges experienced by different communities affected by the war, on resilience and how we support helpers. We will also sketch our plans for community intervention research in Ukraine and in receiving countries. We are interested in discussing with you how to grow the network both on the practitioner and the research side, and how to best work with multipliers.

Short bios:

Beate Seibt, Professor of social psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. PhD from Würzburg, Germany, 2003

Thomas Schubert, Professor of social psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. PhD from Jena, Germany, 2001

We work together on social emotions, in particular kama muta, or being moved (

Beate runs interdisciplinary projects on the energy transition in Norway. Beate has also founded the Solidarity Hub, a platform for capacity building about psychological reactions to war and trauma, cooperating closely with two institutions in Kyiv.

Thomas runs the Oslo section of the Global-MINDS Erasmus Mundus Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society.